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FAMAGA always strives to provide the best prices and timings of supplies for its customers. We sell only original equipment and spare parts, although we are not always the official distributor or manufacturer's dealer. All displayed trademarks and part numbers are the property of their respective owners.

For half a century, 4 English brands under the DYNAPAR brand have occupied the first positions in the production of electromechanical devices designed to convert angular displacement into signals with the determination of their values. Commercial cooperation with the manufacturer ensures direct delivery of products and spare parts to Russia. Components with unique configuration settings are presented in the site directory. You can buy sensors from us at the best prices. The lineup includes:

  • incremental, absolute controllers with different operating principles: magnetic, optical;
  • resolvers;
  • accessories, automation for servo drives.

Rotary encoders - The controllers supply information about the degrees of the rotary angle, the direction of rotation of the axis. This helps to measure parameters, to clarify the interval of movement. The devices are used in industrial machines for filling, printing, metalworking, systems requiring reliable values of moving mechanisms.

Incremental encoders - An incremental encoder measures the angle, evaluates the outgoing pulse code of the axis rotation. The shaft and the device are integrated with an elastic coupling, the measuring device is mounted on the shaft.

Absolute encoders - Depending on the position of the object, the absolute controller issues a different code, measures the degree of rotation even with a temporary power failure, which is the main advantage over other types. Vibrations, distortions do not affect the quality of the signal, which makes it possible to do without scrupulous accuracy when installing the shaft. The device is used in CNC machines, robotics.

Resolvers - Sine output models (resolvers) reproduce 2 speed signals with a 90 degree offset even at low axis speeds. The principle helps to control the characteristics of the pulses for a long time. Modern current drives allow the operation of encoders and partially resolvers in the feedback line.

Products of Dynapar

Encoders - Dynapar manufactures robust, reliable and cost effective encoders with the ability to fit sealing elements to keep out dirt, dust, splashes and sparks. Due to the presence of seals, Dynapar encoders are securely fixed on the shafts and remain in place even with special flushing treatment. All of the above qualities make Dynapar encoders the ideal solution for industrial motion control applications.

DYNAPAR limit switches - Dynapar limit switches are used to automate the operation of various devices and equipment. Limit switches can be used in control devices or as automatic shutdown devices in case of equipment malfunction detection. The Dynapar range of high-precision, normally-closed limit switches includes both standard models and heavy duty versions with a variety of operating pressures.

Proximity sensors - Dynapar inductive proximity sensors are non-contact sensors that generate electromagnetic fields to detect metal objects. For the correct operation of Dynapar inductive proximity sensors, it is necessary that the detection object is sufficiently close to the sensor, at a distance of no more than 40 mm. Some models with a higher frequency of operation are able to identify objects located at a distance of more than 60 mm. Dynapar inductive proximity switches are submersible and non-submersible.

Counters - Dynapar G0548011 meters are widely used in automatic monitoring and control systems. Dynapar meters, when used in conjunction with other devices, including light and sound alarms, provide information on the status of processes and equipment in real time for its subsequent processing.

Magnetic and reed switches - Dynapar's 53Z and 53ZK series of magnetic and reed switches provide sensors with a digital square-wave output signal that is generated and changed in the presence or absence of an identifiable iron-based alloy object. 53Z series switches are used with gear teeth, and 53ZK series switches applications include, in addition to gears, slotted discs, groove and slot shafts made of carbon steel, iron or magnetic stainless steel. Dynapar switches operate reliably even in humid and dirty environments and at high temperatures.

Cylindrical connectors - Dynapar's CPL cylindrical connectors are spring-loaded flexible couplings for coupling 1/4 "shafts. The cylindrical connectors are made of die-cast aluminum and are designed for use with 6mm shafts in simple working conditions. Dynapar connectors provide continuous torque 31 bar with a fairly compact size and lightweight.

  • Cable assemblies 
  • Motor accessories
  • Encoder accessories

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The video above was taken from DYNAPAR official website/Youtube channel.

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